Monday, 2. April 2007
save gas, drive blood car

has anyone seen this?? got 8.4 on imdb ;-)

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Back to the Land

Across the water, the easy complacency which surrounds the supplyof food was severely tested in September of 2000 when after just a few days of a nation-wide truckers’ strike, many parts of the UK found themselves facing what has become unthinkable in modern times: a shortage of food. Once the deliveries stopped arriving, it was only a matter of days before the shelves were emptied. Since little food was produced locally, it quickly became apparent that there really was no other source of food available. Modern farming and globalised systems of trade have created a situation in which we are perilously vulnerable to political and environmental factors quite beyond our control. Unless we start taking this issue seriously and make dramatic changes to the way we think about and produce food, we are facing the increasing likelihood of food shortages and yes, famines, even in the most developed and ‘modern’ parts of the world.

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Connecting the dots between energy depletion and the “War on Terror”

In the first months after 9-11, I said the terrorist attacks were being used as an excuse to stage an oil coup and establish an oil empire. I stated this in December of 2001, in the article The Background is Oil.

In a follow up article, What Next?, looking at oil resources around the world, I speculated on future targets of the War on Terror. Using the hypothesis of an oil coup out to seize the planet’s major energy deposits before the coming of peak oil, I called off all of our government’s future targets weeks before Bush’s famous “Axis of Evil” speech. Over the next couple of years, I discussed the energy importance of Afghanistan, Central Asia, Iraq, Iran, Venezuela, and the growing energy demands of China, India and Indonesia (see The End of the Oil Age, Lulu Publishers, March 2004, ISBN: 978-1-4116-0629-6 ). Three years ago, I wrote about Iran’s energy resources and discussed the inevitability of a US-led invasion of that country (Target Iran).

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