Thursday, 21. October 2004
i am moving to just over the border!!

no seriously.. since i haven't been downloading p0rn for a year now it doesn't apply to me..

but you who do.. watch out! ;-D

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Hunt for Grand Theft Auto pirates

The makers of the best-selling Grand Theft Auto games are "aggressively pursuing" the pirates who leaked a copy of the latest version of the game.
Copies of Rockstar's GTA: San Andreas for the PlayStation 2 have appeared on file-sharing systems on the internet.
Come to pappa :-)

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breakdancing can be dangerous

Had just managed to forget about this whole experience when I get this email from my employer:

Dear br0aky,

I just received an "Unfallmeldung" from the Universitäts Spital Zürich.
I hope you are not to bad insured.

I have to register your accident with SUVA and therefore you have to answer
me a few question.

1. Date of accident
2. Place of accident
3. Description of your accident: What did you do while the accident
happened, how did it happen, any other persons, Machine
or tools involved
4. Injury: What part of your body is injured (left, right) how is it
5. Did you have to stop with your work because of that accident? If yes
for how long?
6. Address of the doctor you saw first:

May I ask you to get back to me with the answers as soon as possible in
order to complete
the necessary paperwork.

With best regards,


the reply
Hello employer!

I dont have all the details here, but this is what I can tell you:

1. date: 8/9th of October

2. location: Provitreff, Sihlquai 240, Zürich.

3. description: We were having a breakdance competition and I smacked
my chin open when I performed my well trained caterpillar. No tools
or machines involved!

4. body part injured: chin (no stitches needed, they simply
taped/glued it together)

5. stop work?: no, i had no disabilities and worked as usuall!

6. doctor seen: don't remember his name, but I was at uni spital in zürich.

Employer; sorry to bother you with this during your last working days,
but please let me know if you need further details!

Thank You and Kind Regards,



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