Some Great Sexual positions

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As mentioned to a number of blankers (?) yesterday, I would like to have a house warming thing this coming Friday.

Snoog, MarlboroMan, I expect the two of you to make it too (convenient that I think you're both going to be coming up to Zurich anyway...)

Anyways, my address is now Kehlhofstr. 16, Schmiede Wiedikon. Here are some maps to help you out:

Close up:

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Aerial View:

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Brief description:
Take the 14 (if coming from HB) or the 9 (if coming from Bellevue) to Schmiede Wiedikon. Get off and walk in the direction that tram leaves in. Walk to Joes DVD Palace. Turn so back is against DVD shop and you are looking at a really crappy Bierstube called Scheidegg. Walk past this Bierstube towards the traffic lights about 100m down the street. Right by the lights is a traffic camera, that entrance (next to the camera) is mine. If I haven't gotten around to changing the name on the door yet (which is very possible) then it is the top Bell (name: Thomas Galestan). Walk to the very top floor (as high as you can go) and that's me.

For people thinking of driving - Good Luck! The whole area is one way systems. If you get that far, go to the traffic lights mentioned above and turn right into the 30 zone. There is then bluezone parking, or in my courtyard if there happens to be a space available...

Will have plenty of beer, if you want anything else bring it along...

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