Thursday, 27. May 2004
I blame the parents!

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I love this bit

"You don't imagine your kid is just going to die of obesity. The parents were devastated.

"Some may say the parents are responsible, but if a child is demanding food it can be very difficult to refuse it."

I call it murder, plain and simple.

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and the Chippy

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That's a bit harsh luv.
It's not just about kids stuffin their face with sugar. There is the fact that fruit and veg is so bloody expensive in england, aswell as here.The healthy option is almost impossible when you are on a budget.
Pie and Chips for £2 or a healthy side salad for £6, mmm

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You have a bit of a point PP; but not much of one. Simply do not eat as much. These kids died through overeating, pure and simple. Sure they probably would not have suffered so much if it had been 'healthy' overeating, but it is still overeating.

While a diet of pie and chips is not good for you, it will not kill you from obesity as long as you do not eat too much of it, and get some exercise every now and again too...

What really pisses me off is when they start to blame the fast food companies or marketing firms. It's not their fault they're trying to sell their wares, it's the fault of the naive, stupid, ignorant parents who probably should not be raising children in the first place.

It's about time people took a bit of fucking responsibility for their own actions and for those affecting other people.

Makes me sick, the UK is going down the drain faster than the good ol' US of A.. Fucking lawyers.

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I second that.

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I third that.

Another interesting development is the fact that some organisations and groups are demanding that fatness is not to be regarded as a problem. Its interesting. If you want to tackle an issue which is growing to be an "epedemic" you need to tackle the problem. Personally i a for putting a tax on fatening products and using the money to pay for the medical conditions which are associated with owerweight people. Taxation is a great way to regulate things. Smokers pay for their medical bills, so do fat people as well as those who abuse alcohol. Great. The only problem right now is that this money is going into other things than healthcare...

If people are willing to pay for their unhealthy acts, fine let them do it. Just don't subsidice them as the current situation is for monsterous people.

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