Friday, 23. January 2004
Check this

I got this today from (check out thier bush in 30 seconds ads. :))

Dear friend of MoveOn,
During this year's Super Bowl, you'll see ads sponsored by beer companies, tobacco companies, and the Bush White House.1 But you won't see the winning ad in Voter Fund's Bush in 30 Seconds ad contest. CBS refuses to air it.2

Meanwhile, the White House is on the verge of signing into law a deal which Senator John McCain (R-AZ) says is custom-tailored for CBS and Fox,3 allowing the two networks to grow much bigger. CBS lobbied hard for this rule change; members across the country lobbied against it; and now our ad has been rejected while the White House ad will be played. It looks an awful lot like CBS is playing politics with the right to free speech.

Of course, this is bigger than just the Voter Fund. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) submitted an ad that was also rejected.4 But this isn't even a progressive-vs.-conservative issue. The airwaves are publicly owned, so we have a fundamental right to hear viewpoints from across the ideological spectrum. That's why we need to let CBS know that this practice of arbitrarily turning down ads that may be "controversial" -- especially if they're controversial simply because they take on the President -- just isn't right.

To sign our petition to CBS, go to:

We'll deliver the petition by email directly to CBS headquarters.

You also may want to let your local CBS affiliate know you're unhappy about this decision. We've attached a list of the CBS affiliates in your state at the bottom of this email. Remember, a polite, friendly call will be most effective -- just explain to them why you believe CBS' decision hurts our democracy.

CBS will claim that the ad is too controversial to air. But the message of the ad is a simple statement of fact, supported by the President's own figures. Compared with 2002's White House ad which claimed that drug users are supporting terrorism,5 it hardly even registers.

CBS will also claim that this decision isn't an indication of political bias. But given the facts, that's hard to believe. CBS overwhelmingly favored Republicans in its political giving, and the company spent millions courting the White House to stop FCC reform.6 According to a well-respected study, CBS News was second only to Fox in failing to correct common misconceptions about the Iraq war which benefited the Bush Administration -- for example, the idea that Saddam Hussein was involved with 9/11.7

This is not a partisan issue. It's critical that our media institutions be fair and open to all speakers. CBS is setting a dangerous precedent, and unless we speak up, the pattern may continue. Please call on CBS to air ads which address issues of public importance today.

--Adam, Carrie, Eli, James, Joan, Laura, Noah, Peter, Wes, and Zack
The Team
January 23rd, 2003

P.S. Our friends at Free Press have put together a page which explains simply how CBS and the FCC rule change are integrally linked. Check it out at:

P.P.S Here are the CBS affiliates in your state:

WBZ-TV, Boston: (617) 787-7000


1. "Who's Buying What At the Super Bowl," Ad Age, 1/20/04

2. CBS fax to Voter Fund, 1/14/04

3. "Democrats Fold on 39% TV Cap Fight", Broadcasting and Cable, 1/21/04

4. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

5. "New Media Campaign Stresses Link between Drugs and Terrorism," U.S. Dept. of State

6. "CBS Television Network Soft Money Donations,"

7. "Misperceptions, the Media and the Iraq War," PIPA/Knowledge Networks Poll


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I got that too, but I knew about it a while ago.

While Viacom has given Republicans roughly 94,000$ and Dems roughly 61,000$ in 2004 (click on viacom)

...during the period from 2001-2002, its employees gave Dems 1.3 million$ and Reps 19,000$..that's 99% to 1%
(click on Soft Money...then Viacom as a group)

and the 1.3$million far surpasses any contributions made by Viacom as a corporation to any one party..except our X-Mas party.

Sumner Redstone, Chairman of the Board at CBS gave Democrats $17,000 in 2003 and $0 to Republicans:

MoveOn is a great organization and they should be pissed off about their ad not making the superbowl, it's definitely a little twisted...but obviously not every company that wants to, can air their ads during the superbowl, it is the primetime of advertising...CBS also has a longstanding relationship with a lot of the companies that will be airing ads during the Bud and Victoria's Secret, who will most definitely want to air ads for years to come...will MoveOn, can they be sure?

In the end it's the bottom always i$ regurgitating the usualy fare of tits, cigs and beer, CBS assures itself of little fallout from its general viewing public and more importantly, the other sponsors, which include the NFL. On the contrary, by airing a "controversial" ad, CBS would stand to piss its viewers and its sponsors off...when was the last time you saw an ad during a premiership match solely aimed at critizing Blair, or Blocher during a Super G World Cup run? Is that good business?

The question is now, which is more unpopular...airing the ad or not airing the ad?  I would say not airing the ad...although half the population can not stand the sight or the policies of anyone in the current administration, not airing this ad will not upset them so much as to boycott the Superbowl (exceot MoveOn, which seems to think this is censorship). Those that would be offended by the MoveOn ad would probably launch a campaign to destroy CBS should the ad be aired during the Superbowl and at the head of the pack would be Matt Drudge, Charlton Heston and that asshole Ashcroft....but what do I know.

These are merely my thoughts and they do not represent the thoughts of anyone making bottom line decisions at CBS

Bush sucks and I can say with comlete confidence that most people at CBS feel that way and judging by soft money contributions, the CEO of Viacom himself feels that way. A business is a business, its sole purpose is profit. Is this, its Capitalism.

Viva La Revolucion and Go Patrtiots.

BTW: Tom Brady, star quarterback of the Pats was Laura Bush's guest at the Whitehouse for the State of the Union address. This was more upsetting to me. I like Tom Brady, what's he doing with the Bush's?

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