Thursday, 22. January 2004
Be Proud to be Greek!

I dedicate this site to all the unfortunate Greeks forced to leave the Motherland to study in England, where it rains EVERY DAY and all you can eat is MAD COWS. Luckily, we can live on food our mothers send in the post. Thank you moms! Keep it coming!

English do not know how to use a phone. Because we are a caring culture, we will try to help them. The next time you are on a train, or in the cinema, call one of your Greek friends in Athens to tell them how miserable the English are. Don't worry, the English won't understand you. But they will see that the correct way to talk on the phone is to express yourself LOUDLY - if they complain, it is because they have no PASSION. Most people will be impressed that you are Greek and wish that they were as stylish as you.

English is not a real language, like GREEK. Although the whole world speaks English, remember that they would rather speak GREEK, so do not assist the English propaganda devils by using their language. If you hear someone speaking English, remind them that although television was a British invention, the word 'television' derives from Greek, so without the GREEKS it would never have been invented.

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I knew this greek guy at uni, he was just like this guy and possibly the biggest wierdo I ever met.

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Personally I'd actually like to know if the guy is even greek at all, or whether the site is poking fun more at the Greeks than the Brits, or both equally...

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