Tuesday, 30. September 2003
pirated DVD movies vs. illegal drugs

You know .. the ads that try to ....

Evoke outrage? "When I buy drugs, I fund terrorists!" but not "When I buy a pirated DVD, I fund... guys who make pirated DVD's"

Tug at your conscience? "Remember, when you buy a pirated DVD, you're only hurting a ... multi-millionaire living in a Hollywood mansion. And some guy who painted the set."

Show Mom cares? MADP: Mothers Against DVD Pirating.

Show "The Evil Local Pusher"? "Hey kid... take this home... take a look. This first movie's free ... on me. Don't tell your parents, though..."

Encourage parents to intervene? "Parents: The Anti-Pirated-DVD"

Tell communities to help with signs near schools? "Pirated-DVD Free Zone."

Tell the sad story? "I was just simple girl, from a small town. I had hardly even seen a legal DVD, must less a pirated one. Then I came to this city... I had to run away, thought I'd be cool ... maybe become a movie star. I ran into a guy, said he was a "producer" and would make me a big star. Invited me to a party with some other girls. We sat around, watched a few pirated DVDs. Next thing I know.. I'm hooked. Now I sell my body on the street like some gutter rat, just so I can get the next Bruce Willis movie. I want to go home, but my parents NEVER visit Asia... Moms.. Dads.. Protect your kids.. warn them about this priated HORROR that can ruin their lives."

Use Humor? "This is your brain (shows an egg) ... This is your brain on Pirated-DVDs (shows an egg in front of a TV?) .. Any questions?"

I think illegal drugs has no worry about being pushed out of the spotlight...


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That commercial doesn't really elicit any sympathy from me for the movie industry. Whenever that dork comes on and says "how am I supposed to afford my GLASTHES", I just want to punch him in the face.

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