Tuesday, 17. June 2003
Moped Campaign

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I completely agree I saw the best moped stunt last week ever. There is this little twat behind me screeching along in a 50 zone, I'm keeping to the speed limit, but he's going slightly over but not enough to pass me, so he's riding up my arse. I then notice in my mirror theres an ambulance coming (sirens blering) so I pull over as you do, this buffoon on a moped thinks I'm doing it to let him pass, so he starts passing at which point a role down my window and point backwards, you should have seen his face as he desperately tried to get passed me and to the side of the road.

Its a pity it didn't flatten him. They are a nuisance but not quite as bad as cyclists (or even rollerbladers) on the seestrasse, they really get on my tits someone should tell them all the road is for motorized transport its not a playground.

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Nothing is worse than trying to get through the city during the summer when there are bikes, mopeds, etc all trying to cram into a lane but at the same time not bothering to decide if they are pedestrians or traffic.

There is nothing more annoying that the cunts coming straight down the side of you in a queue at the lights, then pulling in front of you and accelerating at their 10 BHP average causing you to have to wait for the tossers to get out of the way...


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