The meaning of life
-- Reality is a very plastic inkblot sort of thing that can be bent and twisted in many directions depending on your beliefs.
-- Well, the primary feature of life is intelligence. By intelligence I mean purposeful activity. We make decisions and do things
-- People are examples of one way to organize the consciousness in matter.
-- And matter is a property of consciousness!
-- Consciousness is primary - Matter sprang from consciousness!
-- So, to summarize, the meaning of life is linked to the workings of the mind from which the universe sprang.
-- There is the idea that the world is a shared dream, that physical reality has no more fundamental validity than a passing thought.
-- Through the power of our shared concentration, the world holds its shape and time seems to flow from the past to the future through the present. In this scheme, our reality is truly the result of a global trance in which we all participate.
-- There is no physical reality, there is only the "idea" of physical reality.
-- You create your own reality - You get what you concentrate on.
.....Our purpose is ultimately the same:
To grow, to develop, and to create, in order to express all of the potentialities within ourselves.
... Comment
turbinetrevor, 5/6/03, 2:26 PM
Prof Ma Bsc Turbine announces:
I think the only purpose of life is to reproduce, think about it, if we didn't have any of these materialistic things that surround our day to day lives what else would we do apart from shag and eat (or perhaps run around in circles, which I myself find unusually stimulating)? I also believe that exploring and learning is just a programming error found in some individuals, thus we are damned to a life with televisions, mobile phone video recorder thingy's, computers, sports equiptment, cars and fancy clothing. yep thats the truth so don't try and deny it, because deep down you know its true.
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chesty, 5/6/03, 3:52 PM
Prof Dr. BA PhD Jiricny counters
running around in circles and rubbing your belly may be all well and good, but the central mantra in my life is
'hedonism is fun, hedonism is fun, hedonism is fun'
firstly because it pisses my dad off (his mantra is 'tattooing is for prostitutes and sailors. it's hedonism and it's WRONG')
and secondly because if you didnt know that by just eating and shagging all day you were comitting a deadly sin, it wouldnt be fun, would it.
... Link
chesty, 5/6/03, 3:52 PM
Prof. Dr. BA PhD Jiricny
sorry, i just like the way that looks...
... Link
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