Monday, 24. February 2003
The Pictures

These pictures are ranging from the 21st of Feb 2003 to the 23rd of Feb 2003. I could not post all the picuters so there are 3 zip files at thê bottom of the post.

Lets begin...........

Mike eating......

Gus's kitchen

Then James and Adrian arrived



Thaen we went to teh Dubliner to have a few drinks before we where going to go to Bogen 13 for a fairwell party

Me with Vodka

Then we buggered off to Bogen 13

Where Gus wanted to play rock star and went on stage and spoke for a good minute to the crowed " Thank you WE LOVE YOU ALL"

Nils and Gus

This evening like soo many others ended in Spagetti Factory at some silly point in thê morning

Well the "pre-party" for james was completed, I woke up in Seefeld and made food

The gus and I went to town to pick up a few gifts for Jimmy, and there we saw

and more bacon...

The best point in the afternoon came from gus again when he prettended to be the owner of a slick ride and people started to ask him question about the car Well funny.

Bithday TIME

We went to Movie for dinner 13 people 821 SFr and we drank a shite load, I still don't understand why the bill was soooo low.

The birthday boy.....

Martha and Nati...

Chloe and Ida ......

Jenny and Caroline...


Gus and Nils...


Then there was Joel and Anna but I didn't take any pictures of them since the where sitting next to me ????

Once the real drinknint started it got very silly....
James ând Chloe BORED???

Jimmy and his Jimmy HAT

James sucking on Carls nipples

Carl liking James Belybutton.... hmmm

Me eating Gustafs phone...

Then James was forced to drink his 3rd Flaming Blue Lamborgini
Carl loving it...
Equal parts: Kahlua & Sambuca
1 oz. each; Blue Curacao & Baileys (in separate shot glasses)

Combine Kahlua & Sambuca in a cocktail glass, flame. Drink with a straw & as the drink is almost gone, pour the Blue Curacao & bailey in together & continue to drink through the straw

Then this happened...

But that didn't get James down... so we went to Tony to Wathc Miss Kitten.... PARTY
On the Way I saw some cops...I like taking pictures of cops

Jimmy and Me queing

I'll leave you with four pictures from the party.... I'm off on Holiday so take care everyone..

The Files

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