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Monday, 19. March 2007
This is Cool
http://mtg.upf.edu/reactable/ ... Comment
copicat, 3/19/07, 10:27 PM
this is the most amazing thing i've seen for a while! can you build one of these..? ;-P ... Link
br0aky, 3/19/07, 10:54 PM
i have everything (almost) to do this!!!!! i need that table thing though!!! projector, usb camera computer setup i have,,,, and the software is on the page,, as well as the amoeba drawings needed for this to work!!!! edit: well almost!!! we need this: The reacTable synthesizer and its visual feedback component are not available for public use, and there are no plans to publish this software at the moment! fuck!! we will have to stick with this: ... Link
cyzoonic, 3/19/07, 11:07 PM
People are working on 3rd party stuff. Looks like someone will make it do what it does: http://reactivision.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page Someone is working on a MIDI version. ... Link
br0aky, 3/19/07, 11:40 PM
haha, i was just there aswell.. http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?thread_id=1669265&forum_id=515398 ... Link
davidm, 3/20/07, 12:09 AM
If someone can build one, how much would it cost alltogether? I bet you could open a buissness with this idea. Do it before Apple does it! ... Link
br0aky, 3/20/07, 12:43 AM
again unless you can program your own interface gfx an provide the sound you can forget that idea. they do provide you with the most complex part of he progam, (the pattern recog soft) so still if you did manage to develop the rest they probbly wouldn't let you sell it as a kit. i have been studying this since cyz posted it... there are quite a few issues to deal with anyway, even if you plan o using the unfinished homebrew versions of the software. - tabletop (check the forum) oh yeah.. we do want the software that they've made, not the crappy homebrew.. someone needs to steal it so we can do this.. ;-) however the software they do supply can eventually be used to control pretty much anything.. . it's a really cool idea. and if you have a young and healthy mind the possibilities to make your own creations with what you've been given are endless.. i was born too early.. shit final price: and if you want to commercialize this idea I suggest you team up a bunch of creative developers to reprogram the soft from scratch ;-) ... Link
copicat, 3/20/07, 11:30 AM
don't worry, apple would never do such a thing! unless you can check your mail with it, make videos, produce a webpage, call your buddies... ;-D i remember playing (as in trying out) with such a reacTable at sonar in 2003. must have been before they went public with it and tested it on an exhibition. makes actaully sense since they are based in barcelona... ... Link ... Comment |
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