Wednesday, 14. February 2007
happy valentines day everbödy!

so .. valentines day is here, or fear for the men day as i see it.. but also for the women ofcourse.. since they will have to live with the weirdness of the mens behaviour on this very day.

we aim to please but somehow i am always left with a smell of plastic! but it's the very same smell i get at christmas..

so how do you survive valentine's day? in school there was always some kind of rose program, where you would write a little message on a paper heart and have a rose or x roses delivered to the one you secretly or openly admired.. those people were not neccessary the people that then would have roses sent your way, but an intresting day indeed..

anyway.. it's only one day a year, so let's chill out tonight and be nice to each other and just enjoy life for a while!

oh and btw, is it ok to give your girlfriend one hot night with your friend's band drummer? it's just a sign of love and understanding right? ;-)

please feel free to flame me below. //G

posted on request. . no i don't think it's THAT bad.. i fink it's funee.. ;-)

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Read and learn

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i can live with that

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this just proves my point, and i don't think only applies to sweden!

Alla hjärtans dag, idag
I Sverige har firandet av S:t Valentin och Alla hjärtans dag inte förekommit i någon större utsträckning förrän på 1960-talet, då det lanserades av kommersiella skäl och genom amerikansk kulturell påverkan. NK-varuhuset försökte lansera seden, men det tog tid tills firandet blev mer än det hjärtformade gelégodiset. Under 1990-talet tog dock firandet fart (kanske som en följd av uppmärksamheten i skolorna) och har funnits sin plats som Alla Hjärtans dag i den svenska högtidskalendern.

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and of course you didn't read the parts before....concerning the medieval tradition.

Kopplingen till romantik och kärlek uppkom först under medeltiden och uppstod möjligtvis genom en folklig föreställning om att fåglar i mitten av februari sökte och fann sin partner. Detta inspirerade pojkar och flickor att fundera på vem som skulle bli deras Valentin, dvs vem de skulle hålla ihop med minst ett år framöver. Även i Sverige har seden att på lek para ihop flickor och pojkar funnits men i tradition varit förlagd till pingsten.

Typical Man, anyway I do not see what is so horrible with a special day to proclaim love to someone, may it be with a card, a homecooked dinner, a single rose (CHF 5.-) or something else, just to bear in mind, that love is something special. The plastic fantastic valentine's stuff is crap though.

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yes i read everything, but it upsets me that the reason that we celerate it today was because a businessman in the 60's decided this was an great excuse to sell more flowers...!

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in the 1920's people in Sweden used to send cards to eachother. My grandmother has carried on this tradition and sends cards to all her grand-children, to tell them how much she loves them, for her husband she cooks his favorite food (eventhough she is a feminist) and grandfahter brings home some good wine, and eventhough they been married for 50 years and sometimes hate eachother guts, they try to be nice to eachother at least that evening....and who knows maybe they even have sex.....?


Everything is about money nowadays and it is up to everyone what they do out of a tradition, habit and if they are even able to show someone they care....


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ok, from next year i will be celebrating gustaf's "love-day"!

rules of gus's love-day feb 7th annualy.

1. don't talk about love day (we wouldn't want any companies finding out and benefitting from this day. )

2. you and your loved one take the day off the daily work!

3. do something together; take a trip, climb a mountain, go to alpamare, repaint the house, or just spend the whole day in bed (if the tv is on you better be watching a movie you both want to see)

4. daily house chores are not to be minded on this day, but can be prepared the previous day, so this day is devoted to spending quality time together, and not working.

5. whining and biccering about the other persons flaws, or making indecent comments about the other person is absoltely not permitted, if the rule is broken the day ends prematurely.

6. Presents are allowed but only if neccessary.. and can be something you can both benefit from, a new couch, a meal in a restaurant, new bed covers or something that celebrates you as a couple! ( ;-) )

7. marriage proposals, engagement proposals etc is not recommended on this day, we already have halloween for that.

8. tba.

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you have got it!

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