Monday, 17. October 2005
madonna! madonna!

time goes by so slowly that you have to steal from these guys!!!

madonna has stolen her new single from abba (gimme gimme gimme). premieres tonight on radio worldwide.. but was leaked on internet over the weekend.. .

that's not the worst thing.. stuart price produced it.. (i have known this for ages.. but ) WHAAAAT!!!?

oh well:

Everyone who has seen Jacques Lu Cont live set knows how much this guy rocks. I have seen him over 10 times in the past 4 years and I love the as a HUGE madonna fan I'm delighted he's working with our ass-kicking idol.
I was lucky enough to attend his set in a club this weekend (8/10/05) in Belfast. Shine was the club and Stuart Price was in form.
His set finished....the house lights went up....and everyone wanted one more tune....everyone wanted the tune of year....Hung up. I could hear people talking and asking if he would play the Madonna song.
Now this club is hardcore and hear everyone asking was a revelation. Then the lights went off...and 'Time goes by.... so slowly' echoed through the room....everyone went insane as the ABBA sample pounded from the speakers.
I have never seen such excited and crazy dancing. I think Madonna has become a god. But we already knew that didn't just took everyone else time to figure it out.

from madonnalicious

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there's about 4 different versions avail on 0ink.. including stewart price mix.. (idiot got it wrong, it's stuart!!)

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It's nice to see we're doing our bit for her nice new marketing campaign which seems primarily to focus on throwing money at the problem...

Who wants to bet it'll be one of the most successful campaigns for this kind of thing ever?

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I just hear the tune this morning driving to work

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I heard it last night on the way home - I thought it was crap (at first listen at least). Apparently Switzerland did not get permission to play it at the world-wide release so had to wait until 18:15 instead of 18:00 to play it.

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feel sorry for stuart who seems to have been raped by madonna.. NO STUART!! THIS IS HOW I WANT IT TO SOUND DAMMIT.. JUST LOOK HOW I HAVE HELPED YOUR CAREER NOW HUH ARENT YOU HAPPY NOW?? HUH??? HUH?? ;-)

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So that's what begging is then...

"I had to send my emissary to Stockholm with a letter begging them and telling them how much I love their music."

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huh? what about toktok or zokzok or whatever?

or did they not ask the B's for permission... hmmm...

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Stuart Price vs. Abba feat. Madonna...

...should be the real artist title - all the old bag did was write some half-good two-line lyrics, though I have to say I quite like it... and when you compare it to the stuff puff diddy doodah does every single day of his miserable life it's not really worth getting so worked up about...

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