Wednesday, 28. February 2007
I - ha ha hatchoo - knew it!

Have decided to introduce the 'Pauschal-Gesundheit' at work, the poor swissies are losing their voices saying it after every one of my 497-a-day sneezes...

Warmer Winter: Die Heuschnupfen-Saison hat schon begonnen
Jeder fünfte Schweizer leidet an Heuschnupfen - und viele niesen bereits jetzt. Schuld an der verfrüht hohen Pollenkonzentration trägt der warme Winter. Müssen wir bald das ganze Jahr mit Pollenallergien rechnen? 10vor10 hat nachgefragt.

There's even a video but my bastard work pc won't let me watch it...

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Novus Ordo Mundi: Prince Charles says ban McDonald's food, YES!YES!YES!YES!YES!YES!YES!

LONDON — Prince Charles suggested Tuesday on a visit to the United Arab Emirates that banning McDonald's fast food was crucial for improving people's diets, a British news agency reported.

Charles made the comments while visiting the Imperial College London Diabetes Center in Abu Dhabi for the launch of a public health campaign, The Press Association reported.

"Have you got anywhere with McDonald's? Have you tried getting it banned? That's the key," Charles was quoted as asking one of the center's nutritionists.

A McDonald's spokesman, Nick Hindle, called the remark disappointing. He said other members of the royal family "have probably got a more up-to-date picture of us," alluding to reports that Charles' son, Prince Harry, was spotted eating a chicken burger at McDonald's in 2005.

"This appears to be an off-the-cuff remark, in our opinion," Hindle said. "It does not reflect our menu or where we are as a business." JAJA, go watch Feed:

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WOW! I am here Aaahhhhhh

Hehe finaly after like 100 years I have finaly figured out how to become a member......baaaaahhh!!!

REVOLUTION the New Word Order is here to take over!!!
Some of those who want forces are the same that burn crosses...

sorry... this guy unfourtunately is a lazy christian who thinks that God is his personal slave that should save him and he himself has to do nothing for it.... but dont care about his lack of knowledge... think about what info he is giving....

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