Friday, 7. April 2006
Swiss Police want new KILLER bullets
The swiss police want a different ammunition to what they currently are carrying. The normal "projectile point" ammunition is designed to pass, relatively unchanged, through a human body without larger internal effects (an entry and an exit hole which is largely the same). The new ammunition is classed as a so called "Hollow point" or "Dum Dum" Bullet where the hollow tip is meant to cause it to expand into a mushroom shape upon entering a target. "This causes considerably more soft-tissue damage and energy transfer than if the nose had not been hollow." These bullets are even banned in WARFARE by the Hague convention. The police claim that it is more "humanitarian" as less bystandards are hit by this bulled (as it doesn't pass through bodies). "Kritiker warnen bei Deformationsgeschossen vor erheblichen Verletzungen. Dem widerspricht die Polizei: In den allermeisten Fällen verursachten die Schusstreffer keine dauernden Gesundheitsschäden." (NO LASTING DAMAGES?!?!??!? I'LL SHOOT YOU WITH IT IN THAT CASE) "Die neue Munition soll auch die Beamten besser schützen." (AS THE VICTIM IS DEAD) "Sie soll vermeiden, dass Polizisten trotz mehrerer Treffer noch durch Gegenfeuer verletzt werden können." (EXACTLY) "Genau dies passierte im vergangenen Oktober in Bex VD." (SO IT IS A DAILY PROBLEM THEN IS IT?) "Zwei Streifenpolizisten wurden bei einem Schusswechsel getroffen." (SNIFT SNIFT. Maybe you should have aimed better!!) http://www.blick.ch/news/schweiz/artikel34872 Point projectile: Hollow point: ... Link (1 comment) ... Comment |
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