Friday, 5. November 2004

Ein Engel steht an der "Kinderentstehungsmaschine".

Er dreht an einer Kurbel, und bei jeder Umdrehung kommt hinten ein Kind heraus.

Damit er eine gerechte Aufteilung hat, sagt er immer vor sich her:
"Mädle, Bub, Depp, Mädle, Bub, Depp, Mädle, Bub, Depp usw."

Plötzlich wird er zu einer wichtigen Besprechung gerufen.

Er sagt zu seinem Engels-Lehrling: "Du machst weiter, genau wie ich immer nur drehen: Mädle, Bub, Depp, Mädle, Bub, Depp, Mädle, Bub, Depp"

Als der Engel nach zwei Stunden von der esprechung zurückkehrt, hört er schon von weitem: "Depp, Depp, Depp, Depp, Depp, Depp, Depp, Depp, Depp Depp, Depp, Depp, Depp, Depp, Depp, Depp, Depp, Depp"

Er rennt zu seinem Lehrling: "Bist Du wahnsinnig - Du machst mir ja alles kaputt!!!!!!!!"

Darauf der Lehrling: "Nein, Nein - alles OK. Wir haben einen Großauftrag für die USA bekommen..."

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Funship Cruise Elation

We at Carnival Cruise Lines: didn't forget that a lot of entertainers had promised to leave the country if George W. Bush were to be reelected President.

With that in mind, we have a Special Offer for those who still want to keep their promise!

Attention: Would Alec Baldwin, Rosie O'Donnell and her wife, Ed Asner, Janeane Garafalo, Whoppi Goldberg, Al Franken, Michael Moore and! his personal groomer, Cher and her vocal therapist, Phil Donahue, Rob Reiner (apparently still a "meathead"), Barbra Streisand (who has a nose for these outcomes), Jane Fonda, Vietnamese Ambassador to the U.S. the entire staffs of the LA and NY Times and anyone else who made that promise, please dispose of all US assets and report to Florida for the sailing of the Funship Cruise, "Elation," which has been commissioned to take you to your new vacation homes in Afghanistan.

You may opt to be dropped off in Somalia or Iraq.

The Florida Supreme Court will sponsor a Farewell Parade in your honor through Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade counties prior to your cruise.

Please pack for an extended stay... at least four more years.

Note: Since you advocate strict gun control, you may not bring any, but then with Jane Fonda along you won't need any.

Staffing your voyage is Bill Clinton as captain, Al Gore as cruise director, Grey Davis, Purser Terry Heinz Kerry hopefully will be kept somewhere below decks away from the media.

Monica Lewinsky as the "Cigar and Cigarette Girl",

Entertainment by the Dixie Chicks and Bruce Springsteen, John Kerry will be our Life Guard in consideration of his past experience in pulling people out of the water. (Unless he decides at the last minute not to go) He is advocating the elimination of the game "shuffleboard" in favor of his new game he calls "waffleboard". Be sure to pack your flip flops as you will need them while playing.

Ted Kennedy will double as Bartender and Director of Emergency Procedures and as a buoy as required.

Rev. Al Sharpton will provide inspirational services, and Ex-Congressman Gary Condit as intern coordinator.

If you have any questions about making arrangements for your homes, friends and loved ones, please direct your comments to Senator Hillary Clinton. Her village, paid for by the United States, can raise your children while you're gone, and she can watch over all your money and your furnishings until you return.

"Bon Voyage!"

Is this a great country or what? It's called freedom of Speech.

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Star Wars Ep 3 teaser trailer

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