Thursday, 6. May 2004

Bittorrent is great, the fastest file sharing system I've come across yet! The thing about it though, is that you've got to get the files while they are 'hot'. So if you're like me you're checking for new arrivals almost everyday. That's not such a bad thing, but if your looking for files regularly and have a number of favorites, it can become quite time consuming. The best example is 'suprnova' which is in my opinion the best site out there, but the site can sometimes become unbelieveable slow to the point of ridiculousness. So to avoid all the hassle of time consuming web searching I decided to write GoSupernova to speed up the whole file searching process.

Give it a try but I thought it was fairly shite

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Time to upgrade your phone!!!

The more people that have P2T the more fun we can have

Push to Talk*
Enables real-time one-to-one and one to-many voice communication service
Stay connected - you can be connected to multiple groups simultaneously
Create groups on the phone menu; invite others to join by SMS
Select the person or group to talk to, and press the Push to talk key (PTT key) to communicate
One-way communication - one person speaks at a time while others listen
Direct access - Push to talk speech is connected without the recipient(s) answering, and is typically heard through the phone's built-in loudspeaker
Privacy and control - you can configure your own service settings for convenient use

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