Monday, 26. April 2004
Stupid american's

The first "IGTF Amateur Cup is scheduled for May 10, 2003 at the Eagleton Golf Club, Bangalore. The event is being sponsored by Alfa Laval the Swiss Engineering giant whose Managing Director, Satish Tandon is an avid golfer and Chief Patron of IGTF.

Sweden = North - Flat and cold. LOOOONG winters. Famous for the vodka and the beautifull chicks. VOLVO, Vikings... IKEA ... get my point?

Switzerland = Middle of EUROPE. Mountains- AAALLLPPPSS, "Swiss cheese", Matterhorn... Watches (and car, but please don't get too confused now). Jewisch gold (you don't get - you grrr, us hihi!!!).

I know its confusing with the Sw...'s but please, can you keep more than three letters in hour head?

Sorry cyonic, but it has to be said once and for all...

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Illegal operation

I want to find the chap who wrote the line: this programme has performed an illegal operation and will terminate immediately.

WTF? Illegal operation? has it killed someone? did it drive without a driverslicence? Stupid idot of a programmer nerd who put in this illegal stuff in. Terminate immediately? tststs. Lets start a forum of stupid microsoft terms. Here is a selection:

- illegal operation
- terminate immediately
- syntax error 32
- unexpected error... as opposed to expected?
- keyboard error - press f1 to continue

I hate microsoft

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Netscape 7.1

Well after yet another 20 blue screens and "this programme has performed an Illegal Operation and will terminate imediatly" i have decided to download netscape 7.1 to check how it is.

I'm impressed so far. Has a tab funktion so that you can have several internet pages open at the same time IN THE SAME WINDOW. Something for broaky i guess. Furthermore you can predefine a groop of pages as your start-pages. When i open netscape it automatically opens the nerdnews i want (4 different pages), my e mail account and two search engines. Quite nifty and saves a lot of time (only if you have a fast connection).

Its worth a try

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